One Morning at Church

The church I attended this morning is called Ponce Inlet Church. The church meets on Sunday's at 10:30am at the community center in Ponce Inlet, Florida. It's only 1/4 of a mile from where I live, but if you live further away, it is recommended you check out this church.

Of Mountains & Printing Presses

This morning

I was talking to my friend who has recently moved to Ponce Inlet, Florida. He has been trying to sell his other home for over 2 months and with the economy the way that it is, he has had potential buyers look at the house to make a bid and drop out at the last minute. To say the least it has been frustrating. So, I suggested that we pray about it, since I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer. He, however, is not so much of a believer in the power of prayer. Then a scripture verse came to my mind,

Matthew 18:19 – 20 “That if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them [v]by My Father who is in heaven. 20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”


Ponce Inlet Church

Recently started attending this church when

The church I attended this morning is called Ponce Inlet Church. The church meets on Sunday’s at 10:30am at the community center in Ponce Inlet, Florida. It’s only 1/4 of a mile from where I live, but if you live further away, it is recommended you check out this church.

Check out this church.

It’s a small community but there are big things that are happening there. The Holy Spirit is moving powerfully at this church. I prove that God is a God of big miracles and small miracles. The worship team is very prayerful, and Bible centered. They just love to glorify God and do a good job doing it too. The sermons are always right on point, spoken from people who Love Jesus and give love to praise God.

God is a God of big miracles and small miracles.


the worship team was finished playing their songs of praise. A woman from the worship team gave a little talk about trusting God for provision. Then she brought up the same Bible verse that I had shared with my friend this morning.

Matthew 18:19 – 20 “That if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them [v]by My Father who is in heaven. 20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Not coincidence

Many people today would just say that is a coincidence, that kind of stuff happens all of the time. But this sort of thing does not happen all of the time, at least not in my experience. I think, God did this because He knows that I have been going through a hard time lately.

He made a way.

to send a message through the lady at the church to reach my ears to let me know that he still hears and cares. Like most guys going through a hard time, we learn to hide our feelings, so we look strong on the outside, when everything is crumbling on the inside. We can hide our pain from the world, but we can’t hide it from God.

We don’t need to hide it from God.

God knows what you are going through. God knows, what you do and have not done, and God loves you all the same.

I think, God is the God of subtly.

You see most people are waiting for some big glowing neon sign from Heaven saying this is where it is.

“I think, that is not the way God works. God is a teacher right, and a good teacher isn’t just going to give you the answers. He’s going to show you how to find the answers all around you. He used the Bible verse for two reasons A. to impart the wisdom that Jesus shared about trusting God for provision. B. To bring his loving kindness and guidance to the ears that needed to hear the verse in order to know. God knew what my ears needed to hear today that God still hears and still cares.

God still hears and still cares.

God is still doing things today in our modern time, but God is the God of subtlety. He’s not rolling up in expensive stretch limos, or with a caravan of adoring fans. God isn’t interested in a fan club, or how many like He gets on Tic-tock, He is concerned with Saving Souls.

He is concerned with Saving Souls

He is not the God who works miracles in large churches only, [I think] but the God who reaches out and does incredible things in small town churches too. God doesn’t even have the internet, [I think] and yet He is using the internet to spread his message of goodness, love and light to the world. The things the enemy intends for evil, God uses for our good.

“For All things work out Good, for those who Love God.” Romans 8:28

God is the worker of great miracles and of small miracles.

Just because some great and grandiose miracle hasn’t happened in your life. That doesn’t mean that God isn’t working in the background, subtly on the small miracles that keep you going each and every day.

Example, [I think]

Take the human heart for example, no one has to consciously think about making their heartbeat, it does it all on its own. Could you imagine if it was the other way around and you had to make your own heartbeat. That would be all you would do all day is just sit trying to keep your heart beating. [I think] that is a miracle from God, that our hearts beat all on their own and we don’t have to think about it. Oops, hang on my heart just skipped a beat.

Thank you, God.

For the miracle that is our beating heart, and for every breath that we have is a gift. Perhaps that is why God sends us little miracles, to help keep our heart beating for one more day.

He made a way

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