he world is changing. We, me you and everyone in the whole world.

The World I Changing

The world is changing. We, me you and everyone in the whole world. Stand on the brink of either total destruction, or evolution. Where we finally evolve beyond the need for petty and selfish validation of our own feelings and beliefs, and truly work toward the betterment of each other.

That we will evolve beyond the clashing between dualities that only serve to keep us separated from one another. Black, white, left right, democrat, republican the list goes on and on. These are the things that are illusionary, they don’t exist anywhere else but in our minds. When you get right down to it, and you ask a democrat and a republican what are their core values, their core values are primarily the same.

Its the leaders, the elites, the rulers, the warlords of this world that have failed everyone.

I think that it is not the general population that is wrong. Its the leaders, the elites, the rulers, the warlords of this world that have failed everyone. We the people of the world need to finally stand up and say to these corrupt leaders that we don’t need them. They don’t own this world, it doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the hard working men and women who live breath work and just try to raise their families in peace. All anyone wants at the end of the day is to go home to their loved ones and be at peace.

I think, however its time that the people rise up and not let these corrupt rulers destroy this beautiful planet. There are people all over the world who have begun to rise up and push back. It won’t be easy but it literally is what needs to be done.


I think that these leaders, preachers, politicians and elite warlords that all they want is power and authority. It is all that matters to them, you and I, the common people, we don’t matter to them. They care nothing about us. ALL THEY WANT IS POWER AND AUTHORITY. There in lies the kicker, they are the minority. The are the biggest minority in the world, the FATCATS.

psychological warfare

I think there is a term that most people today have turned a blind eye to. Its called “psychological warfare”. Long ago the rulers of the land thought that while if the have no actual power to rule over their subjects, they had better at least make sure their subject believe they do. How do they convince their subjects they have the power over them, One word, FEAR. All over the media they are filling our ears with the next thing that is killing us. Although they never seem to mention the one thing that is killing us more than anything. FEAR. Fear is the most addictive, hallucinogenic, corrosive, most abused drug in the world today. It is the drug that the world leaders administer each and everyday by spreading violence, disease, famine and death.

Every morning, afternoon and evening, the airways are filled with the nose of anger, violence, with bodies being flashed upon the television screen on the news. We have become negativity junkies. We act like we don’t like that stuff, and we don’t, but each time we are compelled to turning on the news. There it is the toxic, intoxicating aroma of fear, death, violence. Each and everyday we are bombarded by these images and these narratives. Then you turn off the tv, computer, smart phone and go away from all of it and non of it is there. It is not there at all, it is all in our minds. People keep trying to find the Matrix, the paradoxical illusionary realm that we are hopelessly attached to, to find the freedom from it. There it is, it is in our minds. It is the psychological programming that they have encoded into our lives that keeps us trapped behind bars that we cannot see. These bars don’t exist in the physical world, there is how so many are fooled. We are fooled into putting our faith so heavily in our 5 sense, which can be so easily fooled by stage magicians. It sounds just like science fiction, but that is exactly what they want you to think. They don’t want people thinking that they can be free, they want people thinking that they are safe.

False information, seeding the fake media

They are the ones out there putting all of the false information, seeding the “fake media” putting all the false studies. They are the ones soliciting other to commit acts of violence around the world. All for the purpose of keeping people, divided, keeping people afraid, and leaving people so full of anxiety that they can hardly function.

I think that it fucking sucks being in the world today the way that it is. Everyday the decent men and women just trying to live their lives. Wake up and fight their way through the day with every bit of fucking strength they have. Drawing strength from whatever they can to make ends meet and keep their children happy. And non of these so called leaders, they do not care one like about anything but themselves. There is not a good one among them Trump/ Biden all of them they are all the same. The left is gone so far left it is off in crazy land, while the right are so convoluted and think their beliefs are absolute truth, so much that they cannot tell the difference between facts and beliefs anymore. Non of it makes any sense to me, then one choses to not affiliate themselves with either party, but then you risk losing your chance to vote. The only options are evil and slightly less evil, I don’t want to chose evil. I want to chose the person who actually fucking cares about this country and its people. I want to choose the person that does what is just, says what they are going to do, and does what they say. I want to vote for someone who is honest and dependable, someone who doesn’t think themselves to be God, but lives their life like the rest of us and understands that their world doesn’t belong to the rich. I certainly don’t want some full of themselves rapper who think that just because he makes words rhyme, means he’s a god. Where is there a decent person anymore? It seems like even Heaven is lacking of decent people. We are supposed to follow an example of godly like living. Where is it? Where are they? Where is the person of truly good character? Not one who just thinks that he/she is better than everyone else.

I think

I think that we the people. Not of this nation. Not of one nation. But the everyday people everywhere around the world. The people who live, go to work, and raise families. It’s time that we all stand up and say enough is enough. No more of the scene of children in adult clothes running around and mad because they can’t get their way. That once gain people will turn to a rational, logical, reason based thought process rather than just charging in on feelings and belief. But people will start to think. What is right and wrong? And not think they know what is right. They said, the logical and rational mind is the one that says, what is right; and not I know what is right. Life is meant to be lived. But how can we live when their is so much suffering, oppression, suppression and greed around. Even the wild life all over the world is suffering because these leader think that they can fix the world, but destroying it. I think that like Thanos in “Avenger’s Endgame” Movie, he was right after all. Half of the universe’s population did have to end. He just didn’t realize that it was his half of the universe that had to end. Just like Thanos, its the greedy, evil, corrupt warlords and leaders of this world that need to vanish into oblivion.

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